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List-O-Autumn's characters.

Name: Aksel
Name Meaning: none
Nicknames: Jake, Understanding One.
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Species: Habens Cornalas(totes made that up xD)
Hair/Pelt: Black
Eyes: Blue
Abilities:Transfering wounds/illnesses, Rasaka abilities that I don't feel like listing
Forms: none
Languages: German, English, Gujarati
Family: Sevrin(brother)
Background: He broke from his home, so he's now considered a traitor. Only the few that survived think that he shouldn't be punished, but breaking from his home caused him to lose all memories of home, and tainted his hair and wings black forever.
Sig. Other: none

Name: Sevrin
Name Meaning: none
Nicknames: Little Jake
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Species: Habens Cornalas(totes made that up xD)
Hair/Pelt: Black
Eyes: Blue
Abilities: Transferring wounds/illnesses
Forms: none
Languages: German, English, Gujarati
Family: Jake(brother)
Background: He'is not much of a fighter. But the boy can throw dagger/knives with deadly accuracy. He used to have many symbols cut on his back, marking him as a slave, but Bezucher fixed it to just a few on the underside of his arm. His master is Dierk, and Sevrin used to be a pyromaniac.
Sig. Other: none

Name: Jade
Name Meaning: none
Nicknames: INFO
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Species: elemental
Hair/Pelt: Black
Eyes: Green
Abilities:Water elemental stuff. Invisibility, healing, turning into a dragon.
Forms: Dragon
Languages: English
Family: Autumn(sister)Kyle(foster son)
Background: She's like mega hyper if she doesn't have her necklace. Her necklace is what gives her non-elemental powers. Is currently teaching Kyle how to fight.
Sig. Other: none

Name: Kyle
Name Meaning: none
Nicknames: Kit
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Species: human
Hair/Pelt: black
Eyes: grey?
Abilities: Beating people with stick and looking awesome in suits.
Forms: none
Languages: English and Italian
Family: Kevin(brother) Anna(sister)Dante(cousin)
Background: Is damn happy Shane is dead. First person he ever killed was Chris when he kidnapped Kyle's sister. Can't read english, and if he doesn't get enough sleep he's really grumpy. Always wears suits. He's now wanted for killing Chris. He can be uncomfortable around girls he doesn't know because he was almost raped by Jewel. Steven is his therapist.
Sig. Other: Lindsey

Name: Conner
Name Meaning: none
Nicknames: Thief
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Species: Elemental
Hair/Pelt: Red
Eyes: Blue
Abilities: Shadow elemental stuff
Forms: none
Languages: INFO
Family: none
Background: He went to prison for a year until he broke out. He got caught stealing a bunch of stuff from an old rich dude. He's the one who taught Jade. Goes by two rules, never steal from friends, and never steal from the same person twice. He's really good at making fancy daggers, knives, and swords.
Sig. Other: none

Name: Akio
Name Meaning: Bright
Nicknames: none
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Species: human
Hair/Pelt: Dark Blonde
Eyes: Brown
Abilities: none
Forms: none
Languages: English
Family: none
Background: Not gonna spoil it yet.
Sig. Other: none

Name: Kenneth
Name Meaning: none
Nicknames: Kevin(preferred name), Inim
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Hair/Pelt: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Abilities: human stuff
Forms: none
Languages: Italian and English
Family: Kyle(brother) Anna(sister) Dante(cousin)
Background: He's gay and has a boyfriend, Santino. This dude just keeps screwing up.
Sig. Other: Santino